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Nanaimo First Aid Classes to Manage Nanaimo Crime Rate

Nanaimo First Aid Classes to Manage Nanaimo Crime Rate
Fact Checked

One of the best features of Nanaimo is that it has a relatively healthy population since the prevalence rate of the most common diseases are relatively lower than that of the provincial rates. However, taking Nanaimo first aid classes is still highly advisable for residents and non-residents in the area since the city has one problem which can endanger the lives of many. This is none other than its high crime rate.

The Most Common Type of Crime

According to the Local Health Area Profile of Nanaimo which was released in July 2011, motor vehicle theft is the most common crime in the city in which 7 in every 1, 000 people in the area becomes a victim of this type of crime. Though many of these thefts are executed behind the backs of the victims, there are times wherein the vehicles are stolen even if the owners are nearby in which most of the time, the vehicle owners suffer from physical injuries since robbers often use weapons and commit assault.

Serious Juvenile Crime Rates in the Area

Serious juvenile crime rates are defined as crimes that accompanied by assault through weapons and other means by young offenders between the ages of 12 to 17. These types of crimes usually cause serious physical injuries because of the young age and recklessness of the offenders which can endanger the lives of the victims. The rate of serious juvenile crimes in Nanaimo is higher than the provincial rate. In Nanaimo, 7 out of 1,000 residents fall victim whereas the rate of serious juvenile crime all over British Columbia is only 4 out of 1, 000 residents.

There is no bulletproof way to manage the crime rate of a particular city or place as it is highly dependent on the action that is taken by the government as well as its citizens. This is why it is wise for residents to give ample attention to its management. By taking first aid classes, anybody can help those who have been victimized by any kind of crime. This is very important since oftentimes, the victims of serious juvenile crimes suffer from physical violence which can be life-threatening when left untreated. Through Nanaimo first aid classes, ordinary residents will also learn how to properly communicate to victims in such a way that can lessen the impact of the event. Residents will also learn how to keep certain pieces of evidence intact in order to help the police.

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